Detail lower left sky area
Detail upper right sky area
Although I’ve spent four sessions working on this painting, it is far from complete. For instance, the foreground is completely undeveloped. But that doesn’t mean I’m not starting to fall in love with some areas. I’ve been criticized by some for using too little paint. My argument has always been that when one is working to trap color, light and nuance–too much paint is an enemy. I’m all about preciousness with what’s going on underneath and keeping previous layers visible. If that means I spend 8 to 10 sessions on a painting because the previous layer needs to dry, well be it. Today I am enamored with the little cloud section on the lower left–hardly articulated, but you want to spend time there before moving through the rest of the painting. And if you spend enough time you’ll find my second love, the veined atmosphere in the upper right where some of the warm tones from the underpainting and blue veins of the second layer are revealed through the veiling of the white. Yes. This is what I pay attention to.